Welcome to SERAF
Thank you for visiting the SERAF website. SERAF is a forum for free academic discussions among colorectal surgeons in the southeastern regions (Busan, Daegu, Ulsan, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do). In colorectal and anal diseases, not only theoretical knowledge but also various clinical experiences are important. When providing medical treatment, you may have questions such as "How would other doctors treat this?"
Therefore, many people would like to attend academic conferences or meetings where they can discuss and update their academic knowledge. However, the reality is that time and geographical conditions are not enough because conferences are often concentrated in Seoul.
In addition, it is true that many people in the healthcare industry have various clinical experiences in each area.
We started this forum hoping to challenge each other by sharing our diverse experiences and knowledge and hoping to raise the quality of healthcare in the southeastern region.
Traditionally, SERAF holds live surgery workshops and symposiums where you can witness world-renowned expert surgeons performing procedures on-site and have an opportunity to exchange ideas on interesting and cutting-edge topics ahead of our time. Through these events, we aim to improve our surgical skills, standardize surgical practices, and identify the next generation of leaders in our field of profession.
We hope that this forum will be developed by the participation of many people, from the first medical clinics where they work at the forefront of medical care to university hospitals which are tertiary medical institutions. Let's work together towards advancing our surgical techniques and achieving excellence in healthcare.
Sung Hwan Hwang